So it was the International Reggae Festival in Calgary this weekend. Right outside my building, too. Maybe I'll stop in for a bit of cool running music. [Ed. note 2: Cool Runnings was filmed in Calgary].

Well, helllllllo, ladies. Maybe I will check this out. Or maybe they'll be checking me out. Or maybe kicking me out.
Okay relax, they're my friend's daughters. No checking out going on. Honest, Sid.
Soooo, let's head inside.......

Ach, laddie, $35 to get in? What is this, the Folk Festival? How do you say "35 bucks, are you kidding me?!" and still look cool in front of three girls?
From the looks on their faces, you should not ask me.

But I did get this excellent shot of the stage (at least I think it was the stage) from not too far away. Apparently Reggae muscians are all very small.
Well, maybe if the wind is blowing the right way, I'll be able to hear it from my balcony.
And you know what, I could. And the beer was the right price, too. So a happy ending for all.