The bars here (back in Toronto now) just keep getting better and better.
And our waitress really knew her customers, too, parking us right next to the entertainment section.
So what could be better than that?
Likely breaking every Toronto Dept of Health regulation, and ruining most diner's appetite's, our waitress popped the lid on the keg room.
It quickly filled up with every form of debris imaginable.

And here the boys are expressing their gratitude. Or an alternative title, "We ain't coming out!"
Although our waitress was great, I won't mention her name in case her boss, or the Dept of Health, is reading this.
And what bar was this? The one with the TV's in the floor, naturally.

So on the menu was a party platter of wings, multiple pitchers of beer, then more wings after that was gone.
After that burgers, chesesteak sandwiches, beer, quesidillas, and some other stuff I luckily don't remember.
And then finished it off with some more beer. Oh yeah, and then a couple of more beer.