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Caller ID - so the boys descended on me for a Sports Weekend.
Since technically, this was before quittin' time, all identities will remain completely confidential.
Of course, technically, since few of them can really be considered employed, it doesn't really much matter.....

Dinner before a lacrosse game.
Too bad the high def TV was 39 feet high (top left corner), because at 20 feet tall, we saw more of Tiger Woods than we wanted.

Some boys having fun at the lacrosse game.

Some other boys having even
more fun at the lacrosse game.


that's better.
Darn kids with their bony elbows....

Next day, an early breakfast and......

Let the games begin!

Those weren't all his. [Wearing sunglasses, so true identity still protected.]
Although he did present an excellent case as to why he should consume most of them.

As the sun went down, had to head indoors.

More indoor activities down the street.
Interestingly, there was one consistent theme between both outdoor and indoor activities.
Okay, at this point, was forced to put the camera away to concentrate on even
more indoor activities.
Draw your own conclusions......