To save you some reading, the shocking part of this story is that, after beating and stabbing this guy to death, these poor young men will have to be on probation for a full
two years! We Canadians don't fool around when it comes to handing out punishment. I believe the judge also warned them, don't kill another guy unless you want two
more years of probation. And he looked at each one of them.
That got their attention!
But really, they had it coming.
I can see stabbing a guy ten or twelve times. Who wouldn't?
But 31? Come on! Give your heads a shake. You're darn lucky he didn't give you two and a
half years probation!
And, of course, since they were under 18 at the time of the murder, Canadian law prohibits them from being identified.
So they are now out & about among us, doing whatever. Going to school, going to work, partying, killing other people.
We don't know. We don't ask. La la la......