Went to my final lacrosse game of the season last night. And the local boys didn't disappoint.
We (okay, they) whupped up on the boys from the north (Edmonton) 18-7.

As this was a follow up to last weekend's loss to the same guys in Eggmonton, a couple of good scraps were mandatory.
But why were they going at it at the other end? My little camera has a hard enough time taking crummy shots when things are up close and personal.

And my little 14 year old cameraman/girlie was back at her post again.
[Jump to first camera girlie encounter]
This time we engaged in duelling cameras. Maybe she's getting evidence for a harassment lawsuit. Ha ha, all in good fun.
Don't know if I was on the Jumbotron here taking a picture of her. Hard to dispute that evidence in court. Ha ha gulp.
Also met the parents of the 15 year old, ubercool dude who sits beside me. "You must be the old guy that our son talks about."
[Jump to first ubercool encounter]Great, it wasn't my imagination he thought I was a doofus. What do kids know.

I thought this was a novel advertizing gimmick.
The urinal screen shot here (boy, those guys never fail to get bent out of shape when I whip out the camera in there) says
"Out of Order - Screen Smashed At Last Hitmen Game". [Hitmen are the Calgary WHL team] So I assumed the message was, come to a Hitmen game and there'll be lots of action.
That was until I came back later in the game and three screens still had the same "ad". Then I noticed that these were typed and pasted on the screens. I guess they
did get smashed at the last game.
Hmmm, still a pretty effective marketing idea, intentionally or not.
Doubt if that happens in Toronto too much. Hard to smash a screen with a sushi roll.

The final bit of silliness from last night was the half time show. They had a game of musical chairs. I thought how low do they go with some of these sad ideas.
That was until we noticed it was lacrosse players in the game. As soon as the music started, they started beating on each other. Slowly at first, but as the game built and the chairs got fewer it got rougher and more hilarious.
When the music stopped, each guy would literally dive on the nearest chair and the rest of the guys piled on top. Whichever jersey number the ref could read (ie. furthest from the chair) was told "Y'er out, 42!".
A good end to a good season. Thanks, 'necks.