The blogger formerly known as Urban Cowboy will soon be only Urban, as I am moving back to Toronto.
Now I know Toronto is not perfect, but I can't believe we are getting guys popped in broad daylight outside a Timmy's (just in behind the red arrow, as shot from my balcony) - and across the street from my own grocery store, for crying out loud!
Which is what happened at noon earlier this week.
Luckily, it is just druggies offing other druggies. But what I'm worried about is, if they are all hepped up on their Mary-gee-wanna, their aim might not be so good.
Just kidding about the Mary-gee part. It's crystal meth and crack that are king in Cowtown. And those are the guys that are freaky. The easy money in this city attracts a seamy underbelly of guys who've never had this much money in their lives. Or this much drugs.
So good time to be heading out. I'll miss a lot about the city, but not everything. But soon it will be time to start bellyaching about Toronto, that piece of crap communist city masquerading as cosmopolitan. Gimme a break.
But until then, I'm going on hiatus. Yehaa, y'all. UC, soon to be U.