Caught some dolphins out for lunch the other day.

You should see them when they have dinner on their minds.
Here they put their heads down and thrash their powerful tails to launch them incredibly quickly under the water. One moment they are far out in the Gulf and the next they are barely 30 feet from shore.
[Hmmmm.....the still photo loses some of the intensity of which I've just described.
Of course, the beauty of this crappy camera is that could be a tree stump for all you know.]

Not only does their tail propel them, it knocks every fish in its path senseless.
Then it is just an easy swim back to gulp down lunch.
And don't think this doesn't raise some eyebrows. Or whatever it is birds have.

For different reasons, I suspect; there's a lot of lunch out there, he's thinking.

He was about four feet tall and very regal looking, staring intently to see if any of the floating sushi was left.

Once the dolphins had moved farther out in the Gulf, this boat of ninnies saw them and put the throttle down and attempted to weave in and out among them.
I was almost hoping for one of the dolphin's friends, say Bob the Blue Whale, to use the trashing tail routine on these morons.
No, I'm The King Of The World!

Or squawk.