I bought this excellent 80's CD at a shop a while back. Got a real deal, too.
Or so I thought.
Listed at $26.99, it was on sale for $9.99! Whoo hoo.
Then yesterday I was at the local Dollarama. Same CD; two bucks! What the....?
Now maybe I should have complained about no truth in advertizing, that it should have been only a buck.
But I'm cutting Dollarama some slack because I got that good deal on the Boogie Wipes, which, I just recently found out (thanks to the eagle eyed Northern Dreamer) contain real boogies!
Now some may be saying, Urban, what are you doing buying an 80's CD? Extremely cool guy like you, is that your kind of music?
Well, a while back, I was playing co-ed softball on a team of new hires. I was the oldest guy by 25 years. At the year end banquet, one of the gals asked if I wanted to dance. I think it was Duran Duran, Girls On Film.
As I was working it out - most finely, I may add - she leaned in and said, "You kinda like the 80's music, don't you." I thought, what am I, on a day pass from a nursing home? So I said slowly, "Uhhh....yeah, yeah."
Then she said, "But I bet you're more of a 70's guy."
So I punched her. Well, if I hadn't missed, I would have.
Just kidding. But what's wrong with 80's music?
Even though it's 30 years old, it's great stuff. I know in the 70's, I sure wasn't listening to music from the 40's.
Now I forgot where I was going with this, oh well.... Oh yeah, real boogies!