What is missing from what is obviously a terrorist's toilerty kit?
On a recent trip, as I went through screening, they flagged my carry on. "Who's is this?" they bellowed. The woman grabbed my bag and furiously pawed through it.
Then she smiled and hoisted her prize into the air. "This toothpaste is too big!", she triunphiantly declared. I go, "What, it's the same toothpaste I always bring."
She stared at me and repeated "It's too big." as she tossed it in the bin.
Good grief. Do they really think any of this makes us
one ounce safer?
Does anyone truly believe the terroists are saying "If
only we could get our explosives in the
small tubes!!
Then on the way back, they completed the daily double; my mouthwash was 20 ml's
TOO BIG!! Risking a strip search, I said, "Are you kidding me?" This one also smiled and thrust it in front of me.
"Look, it
clearly says 120 ml's." And tossed it in the, likely overflowing, and very dangerous, bin of captured weapons.
Disaster averted!!

As I was fuming at the gate, I realize I'd been had. I don't see no stinkin' toothpaste in this picture!
Next time, I bet one says, "What you got in your mouth? Spit it out. Bwaaahaha!"
This reminds me of a Bizzaro cartoon. The airport screening agent is holding up a gun he pulled from a woman's luggage. "I'm sorry, m'am, our fault. In the X-ray, this looked like a bottle of water."
The terrorists have got to be loving this.
I bet they sit around, laughing, saying, "This time....let's have El Kalil put something in his...ear! We'll have doctors examining
every passenger. Yeah, ha ha ha!"
"No, no, put something in his....
underwear!""Stop it Abdul, you're killing me here!"
[Ed note: Okay, that got a bit carried away.]