Went on a New Year's trip with a bunch of buddies and it was a lot of fun.

Ha ha. They're actually in the front of the plane.

Okay, in the bathroom at the front of the plane.
Okay, went by myself on a New Year's trip. But it was still a rockin' good time.

Went to our own Olympic hockey game while there - Canada versus the US.
The Nip
pissing Lakers (Go Canada Go) against the Lake Superior State Lakers (Booo!)

We all had a great time at the game.
And I guess the best that can be said is that The Lakers won. But, a hint; there wasn't a lot of cheering.

On New Year's day we all got together burned last year's unwanted lumber and last century's unwanted albums (Sorry Olivia Neutron Bomb).
Uhhh..I guess everybody else was in the house. Ha, those Northern guys can't handle a little rain like the UC can!
And I guess the rain must have warped the house door frame, cause it was kind of stuck when I tried to get in. Weird.....

Actually, it was a great weekend.
And the sun finally appeared on the last day. A beautiful view from the upstairs deck.
Thanks Rob & Marsha & Chris for the hospitality!