First time venue for Home Alone this year - Lake Mazinaw (Red A on map). About three hours north-east of Toronto. At a member's cottage.
Interesting geological formation.
Most of the lakes were carved east to west due to the scouring ction of the glaciers.
However, Mazinaw goes literally against the grain, north-south.
Although some say this was the result of a massive geological fault, shearing the earth, other seismic research concludes that the
"deformation is most likely to have occurred as a result of the rapid melt of buried ice blocks."
Who knew? All we were doing was drinking beer and floating on it. [But not at the the same time, of course! That would be illegal.]

Beautiful start to any morning with that view.

So let's head down to the dock, shall we boys?

Where we find our newest member - between strums - valiantly (fruitlessly?) trying to snare breakfast.
Unfortunately, breakfast's Mama didn't raise no fool. So coffee all around.

Other members busy themselves with the intricacies of instructions on getting that keg going.
Hold the coffees!
Prior To It All Going Downhill

When everyone at least had a glimmer of hope to win the coveted Home Alone championship trophy.
Ha ha....
Let The Games Begin!

Our host in blue is thinking "Now what game are we playing again?"

I don't even
remember playing this one.
wonder I didn't win the trophy.
All The Comforts Of Home

If your home is an outhouse.
"Little Privacy Here"

Can't a guy have a.....never mind.
How Many Points For A Broken Neck?

Correct answer is - none!
Cowabunga, Dude!
Giving The Evil Stink Eye
...when I found out no points awarded.
"You have to actually break your neck to get points." Tough crowd....

So at the end of the weekend.....(trying to) taking photos of the eventual winner (with one of the multiple runners up featured here...) was obviously left to amateurs.
Or amateur. See, using those cheap cell phone camera thingys
isn't so easy....

Getting better....

Okay, there we are.
And being good guests, we let the host win the trophy. Who looks like he is trying to indicate that he is indeed Number 1.
So a good time was had by all. But we missed one member this year.
His absence surely the only reason the host won the trophy...