Here is a little panorama of an entire street, one block from my place. Starting with the always elegant "Moving Sale" store - from an
earlier post. And walking along, taking every store, one by one.
This is one of the main downtown avenues in Calgary. With such an inviting street front, I can't believe they don't get more business....

Lovely broken glass windows.

Ah...even more (better) broken glass windows.

Very nice.

Nicer. Hey - open Sundays.


Hmmm...where else can you get plywood right downtown?

Awww, Joannie.....
No wonder property values are booming in Calgary. And I get to walk by this everyday on the way to work.
Okay, so maybe I'm beating a dead horse here. But there are pockets of decrepitude everywhere.
Everywhere around me, at least.