Monday 29 July 2024



Not the kind of thing you want to read in your paper first thing in the morning.

Yikes - it's even on the evening news!

Looks like the reporter just took a sip of that almond milk.

Really yikes!

When you find some in your own damn fridge!!

And there's only about a quarter of it left in the carton.

[Note: if there are no more posts on this blog after a few days....someone can have my baseball card collection...]

Saturday 27 July 2024

I Wonder If......

 ...Walter William Dundas.....

...was rushed to the Toronto Western Hospital the day he died....?

[Where I was born and the day I was born....]

His tombstone is in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, only a few miles from that hospital....

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Friday 12 July 2024

Nine Years Flew By.....


....since we lost Conrad the T.O. Racoon.

And here is - well close to - his last resting place.  Outside my condo.

He even had his own Twitter handle.

To get a refresher on his demise, click here.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Getting Stung By A Bee Hurts....


...but sure does make your skin look better. I let it sting my face....?

To be continued......

Sunday 7 July 2024

What A Dreadful Choice


Can't the US do any better than this?

Doesn't anybody have any better ideas?

Wait!  I do......

Problem solved!

Thursday 4 July 2024