Decided to dust of my bike (literally), pump up the tires and take a little ride along the Bow River. You wouldn't know it from these 1.2 mpixel shots, but it is a beautiful ride.
The snow is gone, okay, almost gone, okay, there's still quite a bit along the river bank, but it's sunny and warm, okay, not that warm, but a great day to get out and about.
These trails go all along the Bow, on both sides, from way west of the city, through town and down to the very south. Through provincial parks and wetlands and bird sanctuaries and, unfortunately, the aforementioned, Tent City. But that's still pretty good, I'd say.
so, how many km's did you pile up? Mike and "the guys" do want to know.
Hey, it was just my first day.....
I will verify that your camera really is not a thousand words. Lighting was not good that day I see. Seriously, it is very nice along the Bow, I have walked many times and it is quite lovely. I will be riding on my new bike soon.
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