Saturday 19 September 2009

Get Me Out Of Here!

On a recent trip, decided to do some stretching for my poor aching back on the floor of my hotel room.

As I was lying on the floor I noticed something move out of the corner of my eye. And then out of the corner of the other eye, something else moved.

And then something else. And something else. And then...okay.

There were ants. Everywhere. And I mean lots of them. The carpet was a beehive of activity. Okay, an ant's nest of activity. Busy, moving fast. All over.

I called the front desk, and they were a bit skeptical, but agreed to move me. And they would send James up to check it out.

I thought, is he going to be able to see these little guys?

Then something else moved. A potato chip crumb was lumbering across the floor. So with the magic of time lapse photography, I had the evidence.

See the potato chip crumb? Neither did James initially.

Heading for the green line.
Taking a break.

Every once in a while I would lose sight of it. As I watched closer, this is when the ten or so ants would put it down to rest. So they put it on its side.

Then, heft it back up again and away they would go.

Where? I'm not so sure. And neither were they. But they were movin', baby!

The more I watched, waiting for James, the more I saw all sorts of stuff trucking across the floor.

Now, I won't name the hotel. But if you are planning a Holiday and will be staying at an Inn, I'd be very careful about which one you select.

And don't even get me started about the bathroom. Or the bedspread! Although let's just say, I'm pretty sure there'd been some spreading going on before I got there....

'nuff said.


Rob Greenfield said...

Freakin' Yikes!!!

Anonymous said...

In which city did you film your new time-lapse movie titled 'The Ant Moving and Cartage Company'? And have you secured a screening for the next Toronto International Film Festival?