Made it!!
90 miles from Cuba. Are they thinking of extending the tour?

Pretty impressive.
Gutted out the last leg of the journey today.

As the sun comes up, Tod is setting the compass bearings (I think that's an app on the iPhone, isn't it?) for the final push.
I'm guessing there's not a lot of navigating to be done from here on, though....
One road.
One way.

And even though today's the end, after 32 of those days, I'm sure this road looks long and winding to them at 6:30am.

Still need to have their wits about them - which I'm guessing will be a real challenge at this stage for the dynamic duo..

Getting cheered along the way by their fans.
Just like the Tour De France, I'm guessing.

Not much farther now.....

Time for a little lunch. Spicy shrimp fry. Mmmmmmm.......

Getting closer.....20 miles.
Yer butt. How's that working out for ya?

Mile 0.
Made it to the promised land.
Not sure if that's Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville.
And I'm sure at this stage, neither are they....

But now they are!
Cheeseburgers, and they're in Paradise!

The beer's getting frosty and the photos are getting fuzzy.

Wow! What an accomplishment.
Conrats, guys!
Now...how ya gettin' home?
An excellent job of coverage as well - thanks J.A.
Tenacious as usual. I am impressed guys I may have to get Mike and Tod to help me write a song about this trip.
Thanks again jim
Yeah, thanks Jim for the coverage! Really appreciated that! CONGRATS to the guys --- amazing accomplishment!!! Does Oprah know? :-)
Pat - Joisey
Stupid word verification!! Give me a word I can read!
Anyway, as I was saying, thank you JIm for the coverage --- excellent! And CONGRATS to the guys on their awesome accomplishment! Way to go!!! (Quite a ways to go!) :-)
Does Oprah or Ellen know? :-)
Pat - Joisey
What ... just coz the guys made it to Mile 0, you stop the story!! What happens next?!?
Great trip, wish I'd been on it. Congratulations with reaching the end in only 4 weeks and 4 days.
Gely and Jakob
Way to go you Forrest Gumps. It looks like another one of Mike's crazy ideas came to fruition. Tod next time just say "NO". Thanks to Jimmy Olson for the outstanding coverage. Perhaps, when you retire you can write your blogs on the hour or expand into a new horizon such as twitter?! Great job gents --I'm telling your story like I was there beside you. My son astutely asked me if Florida was all downhill...boy thinks like his mother. In any event, what story, what a team and I look forward to reading the book.
PS- Tod get a haircut for Xmas.
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