Today's Condo Section features the building I used to call home for 16 years - unil we got kicked out to Calgary - 111 St. Clair Ave West. It's now being converted into - what else - condos.

So that's more than can be said about some other current developments.

Cog in the wheel?
I was....uhhhhhh....a valued contributor, a key part of.......
Wait, rewind....rewind.

And take crap from just about anybody and everybody.
My office was a shoebox that I had to lick clean every night.
Of course, some of you would think that's luxury.
Okay, too much Monty Python.
[See "Four Yorkshiremen" for a refresher.]

Don't matter - no going back now. So now on to new challenges, new accomplishments. Tackle things retired guys now have the time to do.
My office was below the great divide and to the right of yours. I have come to appreciate it after years in cube farms IF I WAS LUCKY. Corporations seem to think it is smart to put very very high priced consultants (as they kept telling me) in dungeons and closets and still expect them to produce! But I did get paid and here I am in Paris, so what right have I too complain?
to complain
It was a relief that they weren't going to pull 111 down.
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