Next time I suggest they walk the route. It would take two weeks by car to properly enjoy (read 'sample')that stretch of coastline. Somebody show them where the brakes are on those bikes. Impressive feat nonetheless.
Hi, I'm Jim Arnott. For whatever reason, I've decided to create a blog. Why would someone want to read my blog? If you have any ideas, please let me know.
My shtick will be to post photos and comments using only my cell phone. Why? It's not because I'm too cheap to buy a real camera. Don't believe those rumours. It's because, well.......this is the only camera I choose to have. Yeah, that's it.
And based on this photo, maybe these low resolution babies are the way to go. Yikes!
I'm an Ontario boy living out in Calgary [who has now moved back to Ontario]. I'll be posting photos using my cell phone. We'll see how good of an idea this is after a while....
Great farewell shots!
Next time I suggest they walk the route. It would take two weeks by car to properly enjoy (read 'sample')that stretch of coastline. Somebody show them where the brakes are on those bikes. Impressive feat nonetheless.
good job guys. u2 jim
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