And there are security fences everywhere.

And that's because police are worried about all sorts of protests.
But they were able to easily disperse today's demonstration when police attached job applications to the front of their protective shields as they marched towards protesters.
And you can't believe the number of groups here protesting! Over 100, as listed in the paper.
"Hey, we're protesting that."
"No way....we're protesting that."
Some are an uneasy alliance, I suspect. Like trade unions and the Gays and Lesbians Against Defamation Group. Although I think some of those trade unionists could get their butts handed to them by some of the lesbians I saw today.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
But give me a break. Get a job!
Unless you have already had one and are now retiring.....
Instead of chaining themselves to the fences, why don't they chain the fences to every immovable object they can find. Perhaps if we could make it really, REALLY, difficult to take the damn things down, they'd be a little more reluctant to put them up in the first place.
These look like 'uptown' fences. You'll have to get a photo of the new extruded steel fences - supposed to be extremely difficult to climb, cut, or otherwise bend, fold, spindle or mutilate.
Good eye, Ian. I was hoping no one would notice that I cheated!
Looks like jail, is the whole city like that?
No, Echo, just around the G20 "high security perimeter". But the violence was throughout the entire downtown area.
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