Beautiful evening down at The Falls. Lots of tourists and lots of entertainment.
Here a band performs on a stage cut into the Niagara Escarpment (I'd like to see the Environmental Assessment on that one).
Hey, that looks like Jimmy Buffett!
And looks like this sign maker also went to the Margaritaville kick-off party.
Unless we somehow morphed down to Mexico.
To visit our friend H Olida Yinn.
Gord Tripe
Unless I'm wrong, didn't your friend H Olida send some small friends, carrying potato chips, to greet you last time you visited? You were very impressed with their performance as I recall.
Hi, I'm Jim Arnott. For whatever reason, I've decided to create a blog. Why would someone want to read my blog? If you have any ideas, please let me know.
My shtick will be to post photos and comments using only my cell phone. Why? It's not because I'm too cheap to buy a real camera. Don't believe those rumours. It's because, well.......this is the only camera I choose to have. Yeah, that's it.
And based on this photo, maybe these low resolution babies are the way to go. Yikes!
I'm an Ontario boy living out in Calgary [who has now moved back to Ontario]. I'll be posting photos using my cell phone. We'll see how good of an idea this is after a while....
Unless I'm wrong, didn't your friend H Olida send some small friends, carrying potato chips, to greet you last time you visited? You were very impressed with their performance as I recall.
Well done. You have a very good memory. Or, read way too many blog posts.
I had to scratch my head on that one for a while.
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