The big wrecking machines are taking a break from just ripping the crap out of the condo site next door and are doing some clean up.
If I seem fixated on watching this demo work, i) it is just next door and ii) I am retired.
Now, if I was retired and six years old, this would be so totally super awesome!

Okay, break over.
Back to making stuff come tumbling down. I like the subway scooting along in the back.
And, not unlike the acclaimed Harry Potter series, this is a three part video, because, uhhhh, I don't know how to knit them all together.....
still could be
Good thing the videos are limited to 20 seconds and you haven't figured out how to edit them.
Gord, quit holding out on the video editing tips!
You know you want to see the full length Jim-Has-A-Nap version.
Hmm, I actually thought he had something there, the film maker, I mean. The traffic - trucks and cars and trains - in the background and foreground of the action - it appeals to me! As an old retired person myself.
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