[With apologies to Dr. Seuss.]
Although it/he had been shut down for a while, [See "Who Knew?" for a reminder] it is still a shock to see a big, empty lot where there used to be a big, full Sam The Record Man a few years ago.
I guess it was more than a few years ago that it was a full Sam The Record Man, hence the torn down building.
But anyone of a certain age will remember whiling (wasting?) away many hours in that store, pouring over thousands and thousands of LP and 45's.
To me, Sam's defined Boxing Day.
Armed with my $10 gift certificate I had a list of albums I wanted to get. However, what I got depended solely upon the currents in the store.
As you would literally lift your feet and be carried along by the crowd. If you passed a album even remotely interesting, that is what you picked up. You could never get near the popular hits on Boxing Day.
So you wound up with a bunch of music to which you normally would never have listened.
So I thank Sam for expanding my music vocabulary. So rather than just being an Alice Cooper fan, I picked up a liking for say, Frank Zappa.
But sad to see him reduced to rubble just the same. Hopefully the memories will remain intact longer......
[Ed. note: What's worse than the usual UC ramblings? Sentimental UC ramblings.]
Speaking of sentimental, I remember "View From The Porch" with a typical (and far-sighted) comment from Rob. Who knew.
Oh, Sam's, an era has passed indeed. Love the story of your musical development!
As you may recall, Sam the Record man was shaken by the discovery of CD's in the mid 1980's. He sited the near end of the "record" selling business. Well, CD's are still with us some 25 quick years later but Sam closed shop in 2001. However, Sam was right - - digital music, ITunes and piracy has open a huge sore to CD market who's sales have fallen off more than what is being purchased legally. It seems the next generation is ok with stealing which has made concert tickets a rising comodity. In respect to Sam Sniderman - - STOP stealing music.
I thought it was "Thoughts From The Tub", but maybe that was something else.
Good comments from everyone, though.
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