There is a lot of very interesting architecture hidden amongst the buildings as you walk down Yonge St.

But if you are busy on your way to work you probably won't notice anything, other than cursing at some poor retired guy patiently trying to take some snaps.

For all its high priced real estate, there are blocks and blocks of these turn of the century, three story beauties.

Okay, so maybe beauty
is in the eye of the beholder.
But life goes blasting on - and many different forms of life - on the surface of all these old buildings.

Some a little more grandiose than others.

Some very elegant.

But the architectural detail is fantastic in many of them.
And since this building is a MacDonald's
and a Starbucks, I can rest easy, knowing it is safe from the wrecker's ball, for now.
right on!!
I love the detail - the trouble with modern architecture (warning: old fart comment coming) is the lack of interest at pedestrian level. Which is why I'm in Paris dreaming of being able to live here and walk out every day and see something I haven't before - where some craftsman has spent the time to add something that people will be noticing for hundreds of years - where they like it or not, at least it's there!
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