Here Rob and Sunny lead the way. Although it was mainly Sunny leading.
We came across a Pileated Woodpecker, banging away at some tree.

These guys can make quick work of any unsuspecting tree.
Bang, bang, bang.
And after 32 years of doing the same thing, I know just how he feels.

Here a young Salvador Dali tosses a door on the burn barrel.

A little freezing sleety rain can't keep Canadians from enjoying our own back yard.
A little trick/technique to keep warm, as seen here, is to bend and hold your arm across your waist.
Un believable! You really expect me to believe that was any kind of woodpecker? And don't go there.
I thought the arm across the waist was to keep the rain out of the beer?
btw way, nice to see you back - I was afraid you had gone the way of poor fat cat ficus, (I assume he is no longer with us - his blog stopped abruptly with no explanation for the fans)especially after all those health issue hints just before Christmas.
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