A huge fire destroyed a downtown Toronto heritage building over the weekend. Originally built in 1847, it was the last of its type on Yonge St. in this area.
It had been vacant (abandoned?) and the owners had been wanting to tear it down, but the city obviously was resisting.
Then this summer, one wall collapsed. (See cheater photo, below.) Hmmm.....

Word was they would
now be able to tear it down. No dice, said the city.

So Monday - with purportedly all the utilities shut off (gas, electric, etc.) - the building magically burst into flames at three in the morning. (See another cheater photo, above.)

So now Yonge St. and all surrounding streets are all closed and still smokin'.
And after a preliminary investigation, the police are now calling this a criminal matter.

The city is still trying to see what they can do to save it. But there ain't much left.
Another one bites the dust...
Your prescience should be be applied to a media campaign by your favourite paper - the Toronto Star. I'll sign up as a supporter!
P.S. Check this site out for public historical restoration work in a tiny village in the southwest of France. http://lesamisdecarlux.over-blog.com/
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