Monday 26 September 2011

Julie & Mike - Day 4

The gang made it to Lang Co, in Hue Province.

But not before an interesting last evening in Hoi An; "just leaving Hoi An, visited cultural sights.

Cooking classs last night; fish, wonton soup. etc. as we watched the river Hoai rise past the bank, flood the street we were on then start entering the restaurant. At which point we left for higher ground and back to the hotel Van Loi.

River starting to receed a bit again. Gotta bike thru 2-3 ft of water to get out soon...." looks like they made it out and.....

...they are staying at the Lang Co Beach Resort.

Evidently a "soft landing".

According to Mike: "Apparently big storm going thru near here. Maybe even a typhoon, which apparently is the reason we have no wifi.

Lots and lots of rain but spirits are high and we are all diggin it."

Looks like (another!) beautiful place to have to bivouac for a day.

They biked through East Beach, or China Beach, where "where we saw the remains of the American base there where they had the bunkers to house the helicopters and F4 Phantom jets.

Rained hard all day."

Mike here: "Stopped on the beach where 15 or 20 fishermen were pulling in this huge net.

So we helped out and they were very happy for our efforts. Took us 45 mins to drag that huge net full of fish up onto the beach.

Very cool."

"Climbed big mountain and went thru a tropical mountain pass with rivers crashing down and incredible vistas.

We are very close to Da Nang. Tomorrow we do 80 or 90 kms. Today 80."

Mike again: "Drinking lots of Tiger beer so we can call ourselves Team Tiger."

Hmmmm....I wonder whose idea that was....?

According to my reports, they have also been nicknamed The Rum Riders, The Canadian Clubs, The Beer Bongers, The.... well, you get the idea......

So here is a map for ...."The rest of the story".

To be told over the next week.....

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