Saturday 17 September 2011

Julie & Mike - Day Minus 2

Well Claude, you can relax, they made it to Ho Chi Minh City.

But not before Mike had some of that aforementioned grub in the Seoul airport.

Or tried to anyway.

Apparently, chopsticks are an acquired skill and according to Mike, it is best to be a diet when attempting to use these dang things.

So our duo spent the day wandering around, getting acclimatized to the sweltering heat and humidity in this bustling city on the Saigon River (guess they forgot to change the name to The Ho Chi Minh river...).

Here Julie has wandered into a....large square.

And looks to be in the middle of a motorcycle race.

Here Mike has wandered on to a bridge over a highway.

Very efficient people, these Vietnamese. Don't even think about going the wrong direction on their highways. You will be sorry, mister.

Ho Chi Mink City is an extremely dense, urbanized city of over 6 million, making it the highest density city in the country.

So to seek some southeastern Ontario solitude, finished the day with a visit to a very quiet church.

To get ready for tomorrow when they visit their first "Care" project.

Congrats, so far guys....

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