Sunday 4 December 2022

Not Going Down Without A Fight


This mighty oak tree - okay, maybe it's a poplar - refuses to be dragged into the stream below.

This picture zooms in on his efforts.

While trees all around and above him have succumbed to nature's relentless pull,  and the ground has collapsed beneath him, he and his roots are determined not to suffer the same fate of so many of his brethren.

And below is the raging stream beneath him.

[Our hero is in the centre at the top]

Okay, this doesn't doesn't look like a raging torrent.  For now.

But in the spring, the melt waters coursing through the river bed wipe out much of what is in their path.

And the ravine trees are not the only ones in potential peril.

You're Next

Expensive mansions line the upper banks of the ravine.

Many with extensive - and expensive - concrete shorings under their foundations.

They, too, aren't gong down without a fight.

Let's see who lasts the longest; our hero, the mansions, or Mother Nature.

I think I know who Vegas is picking......


Patricia said...

Love that tree! What a role model. :)

Urban Cowboy said...

A real trooper