Hey everybody, we're having some fun now! Everybody? Everybody?
And by "we" it looks like that means Mike & Tod. Seems like not everybody is soaking up the rays.

No bike problems today! And the guys made it all the way to Myrtle Beach.
Whoo hoo!

Here they are celebrating crossing the South Carolina border!

Here they are...uhhh...crossing the South Carolina border!

Hey, how many times did they cross that dang border?

But now it looks like clear sailing to the Florida border.
As long as the velos hold up.....
Good luck, fellas!
1 comment:
Hello Mike,
Glad you are realizing your dream! This is quite a ride I drove it for 20 hours...this is enough for me. Hope your more in good shape than your bike is! Hope to have all the juicy details at our bilingual couple party in March!
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