Hooo weee, they made it to the Big Apple. Swimming pools, movie stars.

Yeah, got it. You crossed the George Washington Bridge.
I got other stuff to do than download George Washington Bridge pictures. Not much, mind you.
Now I understand downtown Manhattan was not necessarily designed for bicycles and taxis to get within a hundred feet of each other.
Especially New York taxis. And especially bikes with a month's worth of camping gear. Can you say "Get the &$@%!$ outta the way,
you &%!&$# &*##$%$'ing &%$$%%'ers!!!"

"Do dee do. Hello, friend. I'm from Canada. Where are you from? $100? Sure, here you go."

So the lads cycled through Manhattan, down across Staten Island (where the Statue of Liberty makes her home) and clean out the other side to New Jersey.
Sorry, text just in; looks like they took a cab to get off Staten Island. I hope they stayed in it for a while, as the Staten Island exit to Jersey is not a good one; Newark, Hoboken, Hackensak.....
In the next text Mike says; "Scary place, very relieved found hotel. Had to try three. They wanted to know if we would be needing the room all night." Yikes! That doesn't sound like the Hyatt Regency off Central Park.
Now......where to next, boys.......?
Showed the pic of the Statue of Liberty to some of the bus drivers today. They were impressed and they asked "So, he's your age?" Yeah, so what.
Wasn't Mike that was sending his daughter solo to Newark? :-) Now he knows... LOL! Hey, there's a talk show (Ellen, Oprah, Larry) who'd be interested in talking with these guys!
Pat - Joisey
Old betsie is running pretty rough at times, Rob, but as long as there's a " Two Wheeler Dealer", around every corner I'm good.
That must have been the same hotel on Staten Island my wife and I once stayed. They asked thru a bullet proof window whether we wanted to stay one or two hours!
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