Another day, another freakin' blown tire! Boy, yesterday's final line was prophetic.....
Well, gives 'em something to do during the rain. Which, of course, it did today. 55
o and crummy, rainy weather.
Let's see what else the text says. Oh my...errrr...let's just say they're not in a good mood. I'm surprized Bell let that go through.
And I hope they don't read this where I say it was sunny and warm back in Ontar-iar-iar-io. Or they'll be in a fouler mood.

Late pic from the boys. Looks like Mike will be in an even fouler mood now - here he shows off the flea bites from the....well, fleabag motel they stayed in the other night. "And the fun just keeps on coming."

But they covered over 100 klics and got almmmmmost to Savannah - Beaufort South Carolina.

I don't think Tod's bike gave out (today), but, what the heck, we'll give him some blog play anyway.
Looks like he's patiently waiting for someone else to fix his bike.

So it's looks like only a couple of days til they hit the Florida border.
Okay, maybe three or four. No pressure, guys.
1 comment:
ok, so there are some of the velo heros' days that I'm glad to be a spectator for, this would be one of 'em!!
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