The article referenced stated that not only were they;
"retaining full building shells from 606 to 618 Yonge rather than just façades"...
....but that the;
"face of a 1905 warehouse is being held up by an enormous, bridge-like structure so that it can remain in situ while the foundation for the 45-storey tower is poured."
That is one big, honking supporting struture holding up the wall.
Kudos to these guys.
Often what happenes before these heritage buildings can be saved is that one of those darn fire pops up.
I'm hoping I don't need to keep my fingers crossed for this one.
1 comment:
... Wow! Now that's perserving the look of Toronto. What a meaninful piece of nostalgia?? Such a beautiful piece of brick work saved again. Which rub and tugs parlour were these anyway? Lehappy Endings? or maybe Chez Jiggleit? I guess we will have to wait until the commerative plaque is put in place.
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