Monday 3 June 2024

Smart Marketers

So the RBC Canadian Open golf tournament was held over the weekend.

And I thought I noticed a small change to their logo this year.

For the I in CANADIAN they had a golfer swinging a club.

This year it looks like a golfer throwing a club.  

Why would that be?

Well, last year a Canadian, Nick Taylor, was the first Canadian to actually win the Canadian national championship in 69 years. 

And when the final putt dropped last year, years of pent up frustration were released.

As was Taylor's club.

Very cool how they worked the equivalent of baseball's "bat flip" into the logo this year.

As a reminder, here is a closer look at what the logo looked like at the time - just behind Taylor.

Well done. RBC......

1 comment:

Rob Greenfield said...

that's pretty cool