Wednesday 11 September 2024



....but, unfortunately,  not surprising.

They are calling it a crisis of affordability.  

From food to shelter to gas to clothing, everything is up in price.

And to make it worse - or actually, what is making it worse - is Canadian incomes are definitely not keeping pace with inflation.

Especially compared to our southern neighbour, where a lot of our goods come from, priced in US$. [click graph to zoom in.]

As recently as 2010, our incomes were essentially equal with the US.  In fact, in 2011 Canadian incomes were 4% higher than the US.

But since about 2015 (no editorializing, but who became Prime Minister then....?) our real income has plateaued. 

So while our incomes have been essentially flat inflation has been a real killer.

Although a lot of folks I know are retired and are on fixed incomes, maybe we're not as bad off as some.....

What's the solution....?

Who knows......

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