Saturday 15 September 2007

Rude Boys

A group of lads showing their appreciation for all my work in taking the following photos. Gads, even the young lad is getting into the act!

Actually this is a group friends that regularly get together at a friend's farm in the Ottawa Valley. The fellow on the right's wife takes herself and the kids (well, almost all the kids...ahem) away for the month of August, leaving him Home Alone. Aghast at the prospect of him fending for himself for so long, good friends rushed in. And we've been doing it for several years.

I say several years, as we really have no idea how long it's been. We really have very little idea of just about anything. That is either a function of our failing memories, the quantity of beverages we consume each time or a function of our failing memories. However, we're sticking with fifteen.

It's a weekend just chock-a-block with action and activities. Non stop fun. Heck, we're still acting like young guys in their forties!


Rob Greenfield said...

I really like the "foggy" or "misty" atmosphere your camera brings to photographs.

Anonymous said...

...reminds me of what I see almost every day of my this point. Very realistic...could be a nice, sunny day and guess what...I'm still in a fog.

Urban Cowboy said...

Exactly, Anon, it's called a reality filter.