Thursday 30 August 2012

I Think I Must Have Dated Their Pastor

Or the NDP have taken over this church.

However, I'm afraid this joke is on the church, if they think this is a nugget of historical wisdom to promote philanthropy.

This is actually a joke used by Jackie Gleason.  Who was a notorious drinker, gambler and womanizer (not that's there's anything wrong with that).

But not sure the church knowingly wants to be exhorting its congregation to Act Like Jackie.....

During the extensive research for this post, for which this site is admired, came across another quote on money;

"Money, it turned out, was exactly like sex. You thought of nothing else if you didn’t have it and thought of other things if you did." — James Baldwin, American novelist

Uhhh....I'll have to take his word for it.........

Or one of my own favourites;

A guy says, "You won the lottery and now you have no money?  What happened?"

"Ah, I spent a bunch of it on booze, partying and women.  And the rest of it I just blew."

Ba da bing.....

1 comment:

Krys and Paul said...

Who knew? My brothers must have been pastors...