Tuesday 26 March 2013

Oh My God!!

Some engineering students at Ryerson University had some fun over the weekend.  About 50 of them stripped down to their skivvies and "swam" through a slushy wading pond.

And people were outraged!

The CBC, above, shocked that no punishment was metered out to these miscreants.

And the Premier of Ontario was "horrified" by this.

A good take on this outrage by the above columnist is that she was "horrified by university students acting like university students."

The president of the university was even more outraged.. (How much outrage is out there anyway?)

He slammed the slushy crawl as “unacceptable activities.” He also warned that “anyone who contends this is ‘just fun’ or ‘builds community’ has no place at Ryerson.”

No place at Ryerson?  Holy crap.  Might be a pretty empty university.

Good thing this guy wasn't at university in the 70's (actually I bet he was - as a student. Too bad there aren't any You Tube videos of him hauling on a bong back then.)

But "Unacceptable behaviour"? 

You see this everywhere.  Above is a screen shot from a current beer commercial.  Scantily clad boys and girls, yup, sliding through mud.  It's clearly  unacceptable and it must stop.
It seems the only people that weren't outraged were the actual participants.

I'm outraged that all these buffoons are outraged.  Quit nannying me to death. Sheesh...

Now excuse me while I slip into something a little more comfortable. Wheeeee....

["Ewwwww.....  What's that weird old dude doing here?"]

Post Script (six hours later):  The Toronto Star (?!?!), all things politically correct, actually supports the engineering students!

Although is a decidedly backhanded manner.  Some passages;

"It is difficult to defend a Ryerson University ritual..."

"We'll plead for it anyway.  After all, even the most objectionable offender is entitled to a defence. And people involved.... are...objectionable indeed."

With friends like these, eh?......

But they sum up "This was simply a sophomoric shunt engineered by, well, sophomores."

They then compared it as being no worse than the scourge that plagued Ontario universities 40 years; Streaking.


"And they called him The Streak.
He liked to turn the other cheek."


Rob Greenfield said...

Right On, UC! I concur whole heartedly, and am thinkin' of a slushy slide on the lake this afternoon.

Urban Cowboy said...

Don't do it!!

FINS UP2 said...

... I too was outraged. I didn't see one student with a beer in hand. Kids today! I am ashamed their behaviour is not worse.