Saturday 6 April 2013

Oh My Gravy!

Just one day after I applaud the US for being less politically correct than Canada is on crime they (or at least the Associated Press) come out in full PC mode.

The AP has decided to ban the expression "illegal immigrant".

What they will call them hasn't been decided yet.  But "illegal immigrant" is deemed,  well, too demeaning.
"Undocumented immigrant" is also out.  Because, the AP says, people may have lots of documents.  Just not the right ones.
(I'm not making this up!)
However, they have convinced themselves that they can use the expression "people immigrating to a country illegally".
Hate the sin, love the sinner.
One person said, to support this change, instead of "murderer", the concise "someone illegally ceasing another person's life" is now preferred.
Needless to say, the Associated Press has had lots of help in coming up with replacement labels know.....
"Uninvited Guests" have been suggested by some.
The best one, from Jay Leno, is "Undocumented Democrats".
What a bunch of doofuses!
Sorry.  What a bunch of people participating in a process of extreme dooficity.

1 comment:

Krys and Paul said...

I find it a very interesting expose of what people think - ;-) Have you read Gandhi and Churchill?