Saturday 4 January 2014

Thank Goodness For Global Warming!

Can you imagine how many more cold temperature records would have been set if it wasn't happening!!

Good thing it's not BS, like some people believe.


Rob Greenfield said...

Crickey UC, you are as bad as some of the media and the folks who'll believe anything they read - the world is not facing Global Warming, it's facing Global Climate Change - there is a huge difference. Weather is just a part of climate. Global Climate Change may mean some areas may warm up, others will get colder, others wetter/dryer, but mostly it means more instability and unpredictability, greater swings in weather, and more extreme weather; all of which the "globe" has been and is experiencing.

Urban Cowboy said...

Actually that was an attempt to make fun of those people that believe everything they read. I'm a full subscriber to the notion that climate is always changing. Has been for millions of years.

Rob Greenfield said...

I kmow. I was commenting for your fan base really.
And, the security code as numbers is way easier than letters.

FINS UP2 said...

... I thought UC was merely trying to point out that it is freekin' cold up here and warm and sunny down there. It really was a rub in. Wait a minute - - I think I will do it to. See you next weekend!