Friday 18 July 2014

Who's Going To Tell Rob?

....that I am switching my vote!

As both my loyal readers know, apart from tearing down Heritage buildings, this is my #2 peeve; frickin' delivery trucks clogging traffic.  Click It Wouldn't Be A Delivery Truck for a thoughtful, reasoned comment on the above issue.

Toronto Mayoral candidate John Tory says, "Tow the frickers!"   No, sorry, that was me.

What he actually said was he wants to, "tow away delivery vehicles that park during rush hour on major streets."

He goes on, “I’d even tow away a Brinks truck. I think you tow away a truck full of money, people will get the message.”

Right on!

And I don't even like to drive.  I just like to complain.

So unless Rob Ford can pull some off kind of high dive, belly flop soon, I'm afraid I'll be switching horses.....

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