Thursday 26 February 2015


Onion flavored "rings".  What could be better!

Reminds me of the guy that went in to a restaurant and said, "I"ll have a chocolate milkshake."

The clerk said, "They're now made with an edible oil product, not really any milk, so we just call them shakes."

He goes, "Okay, I'll have a chocolate shake and some chicken nuggets."

".....we just call them nuggets..."

And in case some fussy fellow calls me out on this, I did pull these Nutrition Facts from the Internet.  And based on this and the ingredients list, I think they should just call them Facts.

So....50 grams of fat and 1,700 Mg of sodium in one bag.  That's great - almost your full daily allowance in one quick snack!  Don't need to waste all that time eating other stuff.

Now, checking the list of ingredients, they could have also, or more accurately, called them Thiamin Mononitrate Flavored Rings, or Ferrous Sulfate Flavored Rings.

All this talk is making me thirsty!  [With apologies to Kramer.]

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