Thursday 20 June 2019

Who Ya Gonna Call!

"Raccoon Busters!"

Found a furry little friend sleeping on one of my balcony chairs the other morning.

So got the Terminix folks in to lay a trap.

The technician was saying I have the perfect set up for them; sheltered and secluded.

So you add in the fact that this was the first day I put the seat cushions out  (he was lying on the seat cushion with his head on the back rest pillow) and it probably seemed like a freakin' five star resort to him!

Anyway, we got him this morning.  Couldn't resist the all-you-can-eat buffet.  Or as the technician called it, a can of tuna.

And even he seems to be wary about reaching down to grab the cage.

And there he is.  Trapped like a.....raccoon.

Now I know where the expression beady little eyes comes from.  Yikes!

Pretty sure he's thinking, "So help me if I get out of here, you're a dead man!"  Yikes again!


Rob Greenfield said...

hahaha, I'm surprised you haven't had to evict any of these guys before. Why didn't you iust get your broom and evict him yourself?

Urban Cowboy said...

I tried. Yelled and waved my arms five feet from him. He lifted his head up off the pillow as if to say "...what...?" I threw hot water on him and he shook his head (while not moving from the cushion) and he gave me a "duuude, be cool" look. When I came out and threw the second pitcher of water he finally ambled off. Well, up the tree on to the roof. But I knew he'd be back.

Patricia said...

And yet, no broom. Why hot water? will the captor release them elsewhere? Must be young buck out on his own... you haven't seen babies?

Rob he did have to evict one a few years ago that was living in his grill. lol!

Urban Cowboy said...

The Critter guy said he will release him far away. And I won't tell you what my country friends said they all do with them.....

FINS UP2 said...

When I lived downtown I kept a supply of sugar cubes for my sling shot. They got a sore arse but it didn't kill them. I found ball bearings went to far and likely through someone's window. Now in the country, we aren't as kind. Especially, if your a skunk. Them little buggers don't swim very well.