Saturday 30 January 2021

Finally, Some Sanity!

England's National Health Service (NHS) published a new ad, exhorting people to:

However, it has been facing a lot of backlash.


In the three "homes" on the right, women are busy doing chores, playing with children or doing chores with children.

While the "home" on the left, shows the only man, relaxing on the sofa with his girlfriend.

I think I see what the outrage is.

That woman should be getting that guy a beer rather than her just sitting around!

So finally the NHS showed us the way things used to be and still should be, and they get criticized for it.  

Now, if you want something to complain about......

What, No Duct Tape?

That's Gotta Hurt


Rob Greenfield said...

the divine intervention from your previous post would come in handy in the situations pictured in this post

Urban Cowboy said...

You are correct, sir!