Thursday 14 October 2021

Purely Fictional

So Hillary Clinton has written (another) book. 

This time with the help of Canadian author Louise Penny!

The article said Penny brings the writing chops and Clinton brings the deep, geopolitical insight and insider knowledge into foreign affairs to together write a fictional thriller called State Of Terror.

[Ed. comment: looks like Clinton has now become one of the sister wives.]

This is a thriller "based in reality but all the characters are purely fictional."  So let's see if this is true...

From the article, the theme is "there's a new president in the White House, installed after a tumultuous four years in which the previous administration screwed up everything it touched. The former US president, Eric Dunn, is known to even perhaps his closest associates as Eric the Dumb."

Purely fictional.

Hillary continues "all of our characters are fictional and I want to make that absolutely clear." 

She went on, "Dunn is not based on any former president we might be familiar with but with a fictional version of a president who, in 4 years, showed us that you can have a president who is manipulated by foreign powers, who was indifferent to institutions and the rule of law."

Right, purely fictional.

The protagonist?  "A young Ellen Adams is the new Secretary of State." [Gee, what was Hillary's position with Obama. Oh yeah, Secretary of State.] Of course, this is another entirely fictional character. 

She went on to describe how difficult it was for a woman to be Secretary of State. "Even more difficult, one thinks, as a woman on the international stage. The toughness of what she faced on a day-to-day level and what she brought to it comes across in the way we wrote Ellen's part." 

"Ellen Adams was used to people underestimating her. Accomplished, middle aged women were often by diminished by small men." 

What a fun read this sounds like.

And no bitterness there on Hillary's part because it's a completely fictional character!  From above "I want to make that absolutely clear." 

I'm not trying to be harsh, but wow, Hillary is still consumed with rage for Trump, I mean Dunn, no, I mean Trump a there is no connection between to the two. And still obsessed with how she was perceived as Secretary of State.  Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, her previous book.

But the only thing fictional about this new book is thinking it is about fictional characters.

1 comment:

northerndreamer said...

I'm reading Louise Penny right now (A Better Man). I've only read two of her books, but incompetent people in positions of power seem to a pretty common thread. As for linking this latest buffoon with the Donald...I agree with you...nobody could be that dumb. Could they? I bet they already have a movie deal waiting!