Monday 5 September 2022

From The "Why didn't I Think Of That" File


So New York City has a gun crime problem. 

At a news conference last week New York mayor Eric Adams (pictured below) said he was bewildered that up until now all police have been doing is to post gun-free zone signs using plastic twist ties (above picture).

So at this news conference he said this is unacceptable and announced a new program that will solve the gun crime problem - bigger signs.

As of Thursday new digital signs will go up in New York.

It's been reported that gangbangers across the city were saying, with palm slaps to the forehead, "They've outfoxed us this time boys. Bigger signs. We can no longer claim we couldn't see them."

And I have also read - somewhere - they are also considering adding at the bottom of the new signs "and this time we mean it". With a stern faced emoji.

I can hear the foreheads being slapped again.


Patricia said...

The United States (an oxymoron ... also known as a bunch of morons) has a gun problem. They had a sign like that etched on the glass of my high-end fitness center. Sigh...

We won't be getting that cat back in the bag... well unless someone shoots it first.

Pat (from 'slap you upside da head' Joisey)

Patricia said...

And evidently Canada has a stabbing problem...

Police say 10 killed and 15 hurt in Saskatchewan, Canada


Urban Cowboy said...

Yes. And Toronto also has a gun problem.