Monday 8 May 2023

I Have No Idea Who She is......


...but she has some good points.

Initially I thought, oh boy, here is some half baked celebrity going on about "toxic masculinity".

But when I read the article, she had a very balanced point of view.

She was speaking out against what she believes is society’s current push to feminize men and masculinize woman.

Evangeline - as I now call her since I know who she is - (seen here with Michele Pfeiffer) mentioned her frustration over people vilifying traditional depictions of tough guys wearing S-kicking boots, driving trucks, and fighting people, while loving it if a woman does those things. 

And "Why is a man who loves make-up, cries easily and stays at home to tend to the domestic responsibilities valiant, but a woman who does the same is pathetic?"

But I think she nails it - and this is why social media can be so toxic, when she said, "I think the truly revolutionary act is as old as time: ‘Do not judge.’ - Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, etc.  Let each be who they are and let us teach grace and charity above all things."

Wow, what a concept.

She finally concluded with a post from the great Christian saint, Augustine of Hippo: "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity."

Or as some other philosophers put it......


Rob Greenfield said...

pig nails it!

Rob Greenfield said...

Except for the UC Cowboy, always look at that