Tuesday 18 July 2023

WHO In Their Right Minds

So the WHO (World Health Organization) has done it again with the fear mongering.

They are saying an ingredient in many popular products contains a substance that possibly causes cancer.

Aspartame has to be one of the most studied and investigated products of all time.

The US FDA, on the other hand, approved it way back in 1981.  After extensive testing.

And they have strong disagreements with WHO's current characterization of this.

From the testing results, yes, it could be a possible carcinogen, but you would have to drink 36 cans of Diet Coke, every day, to be at any risk.  

So sure - to paraphrase Joe Jackson - everything gives you cancer.

Come on, WHO.  They just can't help themselves with these crazy, scary pronouncements.

Now, I don't drink Diet Coke, so don't really care.

But if they ever put Aspartame in beer.......

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