Wednesday 9 August 2023

Long Overdue


Finally - shockingly finally - a long overdue and fitting tribute to, well, me.

And just down the street.....

Marketing Dilemma

Marketers know that "fresh beef" is good. Don't want it going bad.

But "aged beef" is also good. 

What to do, what to do....

Go with both!

And on a completely unrelated topic...a squirrel faking his own death. Not for the squeamish..


Patricia said...

I've known you for a long time and it "S-ain't" Jimmy! LOL!

I've seen that squirrel video - there was even more dramatic acting after that to make sure he got the Emmy (or the treat) LOL! What a li'l drama queen!

Urban Cowboy said...

Har har.

Often, as you know, wild animals with fake death around predators, even emit a foul odour to simulate death. This guy had it all.