Thursday, 31 October 2024

And Now For The Rest Of The Story

 Or at least part of it.

Food bank use is at an all time high.  Over 2,000,000 visits in Canada for March 2024 alone.

But this chart, showing use by province, is just about useless.

Gee, Ontario & Quebec have the highest number of visits.  

And the territories and little PEI have the lowest.

A more useful view world be of feed bank use per capita.

Which is what the crack Arnotti Thoughts research team came up with.

Now everybody is pretty much in line with everyone else, except Quebec.

What's going on there? 

Interestingly enough, the food bank organization gave out scorecards to the provinces and territories.

Nobody came out looking good, except Quebec, with a C+ rating.

Highest food bank use in Canada - by a long way - and they get the highest mark?

Intuitively I would have thought those small, fairly poor Atlantic provinces would be heavily dependent on food banks.  But no.

Same gut feel for our three northern territories, but again no. 

Maybe they don't have a lot of food banks.

So is it as case of "if you build it. they will come"?

So the wealthier provinces have the resources to fund food banks so they have the highest usage?

Stay tuned.....

[This was intended to be about how useless that first chart is.]

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