Today's walking tour takes us north of yesterday's ether and morphine inspired architecture (thanks for the insight, Dave) to another exclusive, but much more sensible, neighbourhood.


No freakish turrets or multiple chimneys looking like the horns of
the devil!
North, to the sane, post war neighborhood of Moore Park.

Amazing how 50 years changed the entire concept of what a dwelling should be.
Prudent. Stable.
Who says all progress is good?
House after house, street after street.
Nothing controversial here. We've just come back from the war and we are going to work hard and live a good and decent life.
Little did they know their kids (us) would be back into the glue again in no time.
And after all they did for us. Sheesh!
Oh, come on now. There's much worse out there. Some of these are quite attractive, not just big piles of red brick. For instance, there's one on Oriole Parkway,... oh, I see what you mean.
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